Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sojourn to Vienna

Bangkok 24 July 2010

It was just a week ago that we took Lufthansa flight to Vienna via Frankfurt. The hustle and bustle at the AIDS 2010 was soon over in a few days leaving many exhausted and fatique from meetings and more meetings. The AIDS conference has become something of the same old routine and I hear some people say same old same old what is there to get out of these meetings. The chronic sceptics who chronically attend these meetings without fail and plan for the next meeting at the current meeting laments. Then there are the first timers who are so terribly excited and wanted to clone themselves and attend the meeting at various sessions and then hop step and jump from one meeting to another with sheer delight and amazement in their eyes. It is such people that bring in some delight that well at least many are still doe eyed with these routine happenings.
The happenings are the same and theme and tracks and opening and closings are same. The speeches from such as Bill Clinton and Bill Gates are same old same old with new updates. Their presence did have effect as they do save a lot of work on advocacy which a bunch of those at the conference cannot garner in a years time. The plenary and sessions are the same its saying the right things at the right sessions and satellite meetings. The small country sponsored sattalites are just nothing but marketing of ones own activities and blowing owns on trumpet or these AIDS meeting Vulvuzelas (I am not sure I got the spelling right its just new discovery of FIFA 2010 SA).

Same old iNGOs and same old rallies, and same old marches (What do they achieve actually). The gheraoing of the EU booth and other EU country booths by activist was one of the highlights of the visible happenings. It did bring the community together and a semblance of unity. These are good visuals but what do they actually achieve one do not know. The few scientist and physicians and researchers did find time to say that newer things are on the pipeline and it was like that and more to follow.
The sterile looking pharma giants booths were too bright and sleek and disconnect with the community. The hired hands at the stands are often dumbfounded when one approach and actually seek genuine queires of what they do. The food at the Atrium and the other restaurants are definitely too western for the taste of few from other regions but one has to have some food in the stomach to stomach the meetings so there goes that.

Well, the above few paras sounds a little sceptical isnt it but then I must say, I really love the conference as it gives the opportunity to connect with so many like minded people around the globe in one place. The joy of reconnecting old friends, not reconnecting with old ? friends, making new acquaintances, new friends and build new colleagues is such a privilege and opportunity offered by this conference and other smiliar gatherings. Never have one been able to reach out to people from various agencies which is impossible if you are to do that in real time even in a year. This is great. Amongst the din and the superficiality there are truly amazing hard working people that rush, run and rush in to meetings and trying to solve pressing issues and saving lives.

Well, I love these meetingsā€¦!


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