Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Lord Visits you Today

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is the Christ.
And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in a swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” Luke 2:11, 12

The anniversary of the Birth Day of Jesus Christ the 25th December 2009 as Isaiah, the Great Prophet had fortold 750 years before it really took place. He said “For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.” Isaiah 9:6

“When the fullness of time was come, God send forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law” Gal. 4:4 when the hour cometh – The angels praised the lord, saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

Today, this great festival of Christians is observed not only by the Christians but also by the whole world. During this occasion thousands of Christian ministers are engaged in manmade proceedings of worship services; while most of young Christians are busy in preparing various types of merry making programmes. But, friends, let’s turn to our Testament – There we found that there were three great groups of people who celebrated Christmas first in the world. They were (1) The Magis’- wise men of the East, (2) Herod- the King and (3) The Shepherds- the poor nomadics’.

1. The Magis- Wise men of the East were scientists or astrologers; while studying stars of the sky, one day, a peculiar type of star had appeared in their sight which was quite different from that they had never seen before. They came to know that an important event would take place on this earth, and thus began searching the scripture books and found this verse – “Thou Bethlehem Ephrathah, though be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall be come forth unto me that is to be ruler, whose going forth have been from of old from everlasting “Micah 5:2

The Magis, though, they saw the guiding star of God, they had much more confidence in themselves and depended on their imaginations. So they believed that the child must be born in the king’s palace; for he would be king and ruler of the Jews. But, this sort of human thinking and imagination has become the root cause for the murder of innocent babies. So also most Christians are depending on their vain intellectual wisdom and imaginations and thus believed that there will be God or may be born again in those big congregation churches, where Christians is being celebrated in a splendid display. But, in fact those places are the dens from where men passed subtle laws or acts to murder the spiritual babies of God. Ignoring the spiritual guidance of God most of, most of doctrines, dogmas, certain mission rules, annual meeting resolutions, etc. but the Bible contended that “Christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace” Gal. 5:4

After leaving the palace, the Wisemen saw the guiding Star again that led them to the real place and person. So also after discarding or giving up all your intellectual way of thinking, imaginations and determinations you will see and feel the spiritual voice of God that is HE (Holy Spirit) who will lead you to your Living Saviour, because

“God is spirit, and they that worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

2. Herod-the King: When he learnt about the new born king from the Magis, he was annoyed and troubled at heart and had just decided to Worship the child in his own way. He wanted to retain his kingship and throne. So he at once planned to destroy the child. This terrible plan was invented from the fault of the Magis who inform the king (the wrong person) about his rival king (spiritual king) to whom God wouldn’t like to reveal. So also, when many carnal Christians (spiritually blind and mad) informed the kings (pride sinners) about God by jesting on the holy words of the Bible, the unbeliever, devil princes wanted to destroy the Holy spirit in men.

As Herod, the king, if you have pride of your worldly abilities such as – your high economical standards, status, your educational standard, your theological degrees, physical strengths and youth beauties, one particular denomination and doctrines, etc. the poor and needy persons, the illiterate public, handicapped persons would not dare to worship God in your midst; and as such you murder yourself and all the spiritual babies of God that caused much grief and weeping to Rachael (Israelite mothers) or the poor general public.

3. The Shepherds - the poor nomadic: They had no permanent settlement or home; they were roaming here and there, where they can get grass for their sheep. So also you may be a vagabond, roaming up and down for pleasure (worldly) and having no peace of mind in the spiritual realm of God. The Bible says: “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:8

As the shepherds were outcaste people they were not numbered in the census of Governor Cyrenius of Syria. So also, you maybe an outcaste in the kingdom of God (Christ) or your name might not yet be written in the book of Life. Rev. 20:15

Not as the Magis, the Shepherds at once believe the words of the Angels and Left all their belongings (sheep) and hastened to Bethlehem where they saw Mary and the new born baby.

So, friends-

Today if you hear the good news of your Saviour leave all your most important engagements and all personal affairs and make haste to him, then you will find the Lord, who is humbly lying in the manger.


As the new born baby God was wrapped in swaddling clothes, there are so many wrapping clothes of this child, today, in this so called modern civilized world. There are big congregation churches, huge amount of missionary funds, beautiful church buildings, high theologians’ degrees, high ranking choir parties, the fake ideas, immoral activities, film, literatures, worldly wants etc., and these things wrapped the Baby thickly so that ordinary Christian cannot see the Living GOD. They just looked and see only the swaddling clothes, so they cannot praise God, but troubled at heart again the next day.

Friends -today, if you want to meet with the Lord your Saviour, who has been visiting you so many years, lift up so many wrapping clothes of your HEART. “Casting imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” II Cor. 10:5

O! Jesus be born again this day, in the manger of my heart, my humble heart for my eternal Saviours and LORD. May my sinful hands be turn / changed into the hands of your Loving Mother, Mary.

“The sacrifices of God are broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart; O God thou will not despise.” Psalms”51:17



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