Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lal Ditty

1999 By Cederic

Dr Lal's Ditty -

He came from the Hills,
And into the storm;
Fever 'n' chills, potions 'n' pills,
Another star was born

From the Jungle drums to the mobile phones,
From the foot to the bike to the car;
His fight is one that is fought alone,
With an enemy that loves to mar.

His smiles lights up the X Rays,
His hands keeps illness at bay;
His ways quicken the respiraton rate,
And jump starts those in comatose states.

The Law Courts and the streets have felt his presence,
Burning desire in his true essence;
To make the change to rearrange,
To reintroduce that lost good sense.

Madmen, trippers and commercial sex workers all flocks to him,
We're suprise that the list doesnt contain the devil;
But there are two that come close,
Yes - Bobby and Neville.

You might think our prose is a bit morose,
And you might wonder why we shout;
The best way to clear your doubt,
Is to fall sick and find out.

Well, if you still think we're shamming,
And you have a terrible headache;
Relax... take two aspirin
And call us in the morning.
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