Friday, July 28, 2006

The rain finally came!

July 28 2006: Its really a paradox, a difficult situation as we move and transitioned into something which the mind wishes and looked then looked at it with convuluted discomfort. As for example it was hot and really terrible this summer that made everybody wish and long for the cool air, the rain to quench the thirst of the dry patched of earth, the dust covered green leaves which actually looks brownish and so on. The rain came down and fell but then it did over did it and cover the whole of the city into pools of water and the streets turn into nothing but appeared like river, long and winding rivers. Cars,buses, trucks and any available old three wheelers just gave up along the roads like carcasses in the Sahara desert. Was it an over kill or just plain incompetence of the civic authorities who does'nt have any idea of flood control during the dry days.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

AHF and FXB India Team!

The FXB India Society Team led by Dr.Sinha visited AHF AP Bureau office for the signing of the MOU between AHF and FXB for a collaboration to take up HIVAIDS issues in children in India. Till date there has been no concerted, elaborated interest in Pediatric AIDS issues in the country. With the increasing number of HIVAIDS among children it is the 'Felt' need for structured Pediatric related intervention in areas of care, support and ART treatment for children. AHF and FBX formally decided to take upon themselves to move the HIVAIDS among children in varied ways. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 21, 2006

Where did I stay in Laos ?

The Novotel Vientaine, Laos PDR
Unit 9 Samsenthai Road, Lao PDR
Tel:856 21 213570, Fax:856 21 213572
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Refreshing DokkeD!

July 21 2006: The day was almost over speaking in terms of official work. Had a wrap session at the CHAS with Dr Chansy Phimphachanh which was very productive and we had laid down the map for the way forward - a follow up notes, a meeting in Toronto in 2nd week of August and in New Delhi in September 2006. The car soon drove me back to my Hotel where we drop by the Lao Cotton Shop and then I decided to take a short work to my hotel. The day was still hot and humid when I chance upon 'DokkeD' as I was taking a turn for Novetel. The neat greens and the umbrella were eye catching and signage that mentioned graphic design just drag me in the neat, tidy, not so tiny space line with books and titbits. I enquired about the design and soon the brain behind the store, the designer appeared in the form of '...Phone'. She was bright, serious,businesslike and yet pleasant. She graduated from a school in graphic design in Australia - decided to open shop in Laos emerse with publishing with her sister and mother. The coffee was strong and soon Phone's hospitality and professionalism brighten up and refreshes the late afternoon air.  Posted by Picasa

The Setthathirath Hospital!

July 21 2006: The CHAS Official was at my hotel at 9:45 am and soon we as recommended and directed by Dr.Chansy Phimphachanh, Director CHAS found ourselves at the SETTHATHIRATH Hospital where Dr.Saykham Phaxayaseng welcome us with a bright smile. She soon took us through the hallways on the first floor to the Director and Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences and Member of Parliamnet, Lao PDR Professor Dr Som Ock KINGSADA. He was beaming with welcome. The meeting was extremely productive and we soon after a warm Laos tea - took a tour around the hospital. Dr. Saykham then took us to the HIVAIDS Center which was handled by the department of internal medicine. The space provided was nice - complete with a patient examination center, counselling rooms, pharmacy and also a ward for serious bed ridden cases. The dedication of the healthcare providers working with Dr.Saykham was obvious and all were taken care with kindness, concern and with compassion. Posted by Picasa

At CHAS, Laos!!!

July 20 2006: The flight TG 0690 from Bangkok landed at the Laos International airport just after 9:30 am and soon the long queue that snake down the hall into the immigration ended and I was out in the hall way walking down to the reception area of the airport and approached the Novotel counter where Melinda - the hostess soon organised a drop to the hotel. Just 5 minutes and I was already at the Novotel Vientiane when Dr. Chansy - already scheduled an official meeting to MOH/CHAS and AHF Collaboration in the fight against HIVAIDS in Laos.

It has been already a few months since I got connected with the office of Dr.Chansy Phimphachanh through our dear mutual colleague Dr Ly Pen Sunh, Deputy Director NCHADS, Royal Government of Cambodia. Our travels and hectic, busy schedules did finally allow us to meet at the CHAS(Center for HIVAIDS/STI) office atKm3, Thadeua Road, Vientiane, Lao PDR. The welcome was warm and soon with Loatian tea and Dr.Chansy with the other officials and WHO Medical Officer Dr.Ahmed were soon occupied sharing about HIVAIDS in Laos, AHF and also areas for cooperation. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Stung Streng here we come!!!

Cambodia: The 7 hours journey ended and we were soon rested enough and game to tackle the bull by the horn the next day. We went to the Provincial health department and met with the director. This followed by a visit to the hospital and the likely sites for the ART center were discussed. The two lady from UK - VSO were nice and their dedication with the work in helping the hospital was commendable. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Dynamic AIDS Activist: JANABI

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In the land of the 7 sisters : ASSAM

Assam: 14 - 16 July 2006
The result of an extremely successful meeting with NACO DG Ms Sujata Rao ended with me taking the Jet Airways flight to Guwahati on the 14th morning landing precisely 1 hour late. The runway at Delhi always clog and the air traffic always congested aping the ever deteriorating Delhi road traffic. Well, we were welcomed by the Assam Bandh called by the ultra groups. However, the staff of the Dynasty Hotel managed to pursuade an old elderly gentleman an his 1990 Maruti Car 'thank God for Maruti car' to drive me through the wide opened, no traffic roads of Guwahati. Many places has the CRPF and the police peering inside the old trusted maruti. We clang along the road and the old gentlemen driver was brave and care a damn about the bandh and the pot holes. Thanks to this man I managed to reach the Dynasty Hotel. The bandh was total and there were almost nothing on the road but cars, carts, cartons, and cartoons along the roads. The once extremely narrow lanes look pretty wide as there was nothing plying the walkways.

Checkin room #712 when I called Janabi Goswami, the dynamic, beautiful President of Assam Network of Positive People who was a little frantic for my safety as there was no car send from the Hotel which was supposed to pick me from the Guwahati Airport. Well, finally we manage to get a car to fetch Janabi from the hotel's travel desk. I was relieve so much and sighing hit the bed to relax for a while Janabi arrived at the hotel - for we had meeting scheduled with the Project Director of Assam State AIDS Control Society, the Chief Minister in the evening, post bandh session. I the after about half an hour got the message from Janabi that the vehicle had stopped midway to her home as the car ran out of 'gas'. Whew! that was interesting and finally at 4:30 pm we managed another car when I went to pick up Janabi from her home and we move on to finally meet the PD APSACS amidst the rain, the flood. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The green jungle along the road!

The jungles were green, the road straight and that is the way to Rattanakiri from Stung Streng. Posted by Picasa

The Market at Rattanakiri

Busy Market scenes. Picture: Dr.C Thangsing
Rattanakiri: It was hectic for we had a lot to accomplish and the meetings went on well and soon we were caught off guard as it suddenly dawn up us that we had to pack and get ready to move. Rattanakiri is not a big town located near the Vietnamese border, yet we didn't have time to even walk along the roads of the town so we decided to get to the market place which will be the best place to see the people of this little hilly, green town. So, our driver drove us to the market and we went walking the narrow lanes in the market which was bustling with blossoms of colors and varieties of people from the neighboring villages and satellite towns. A sight one must never miss. Posted by Picasa

HIVAIDS NGO Leaders with AHF at Himalayan Hotel

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AHF Workshop in session, Kathmandu

The leading HIVAIDS NGOs in Nepal were present at the AHF Workshop organised in collaboration with Youth Vision, Nepal. More than 15 NGOs involved in HIVAIDS care and support and treatment were present including the positive networks. Posted by Picasa

Nepal AIDS Control!

Jagdish and Bijay from Youth Vision along with Prem Limbu were with me all along the way at the meeting with the Project Director, National Center for AIDS and STD Control in Teku, Kathmandu, Nepal. We had a productive meeting with Dr Shyam Sunder Mishra. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

AIDS Leaders Meet at AHF India Cares Office

Loon Gangte, Mawi and Dr.B Langkham at AHF India Cares Office, New Delhi
Photo: Dr. C Thangsing

July 4 2006 New Delhi: The afternoon of July the 4th saw AIDS Treatment Activist Loon Gangte and colleagues visited AHF India Care office for an informal meeting which was later graced by the presence of Dr. B Langkham the Director of HIVAIDS Department of EHA (The Emmanuel Hospital Association) and the EHA Incharge for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation North East Project 'Orchid Project' HIVAIDS awareness and prevention program for the northeastern states of Nagaland and Manipur. Posted by Picasa