Friday, July 21, 2006

Refreshing DokkeD!

July 21 2006: The day was almost over speaking in terms of official work. Had a wrap session at the CHAS with Dr Chansy Phimphachanh which was very productive and we had laid down the map for the way forward - a follow up notes, a meeting in Toronto in 2nd week of August and in New Delhi in September 2006. The car soon drove me back to my Hotel where we drop by the Lao Cotton Shop and then I decided to take a short work to my hotel. The day was still hot and humid when I chance upon 'DokkeD' as I was taking a turn for Novetel. The neat greens and the umbrella were eye catching and signage that mentioned graphic design just drag me in the neat, tidy, not so tiny space line with books and titbits. I enquired about the design and soon the brain behind the store, the designer appeared in the form of '...Phone'. She was bright, serious,businesslike and yet pleasant. She graduated from a school in graphic design in Australia - decided to open shop in Laos emerse with publishing with her sister and mother. The coffee was strong and soon Phone's hospitality and professionalism brighten up and refreshes the late afternoon air.  Posted by Picasa


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