Saturday, February 05, 2011

My Quotes

Quote and Sayings of Chinkholal Thangsing
Gurgaon India: 6 February 2011 – 6:56 AM

I was at a friends home as their guest in Vallejo, California in October 26, 2009 when I was struck with a thought that I should pen down my thoughts and collected them. I have realized that there were many sayings that I had made since ages but have never capture them on pen and paper. I therefore, decided that I will organized the quotes I composed or adapt into this as and when it’s created so that I too can enjoy going through them again at leisure and make sense of the quotes I created and hope that some pearls might be gathered.


1. Always remember to try to keep love in your heart. A life without love is like a boat without sail, a car without gas, a flower without fragrance and color, an endless day without warmth, without light. Try therefore consciously to love, for that will…l bring sunbeams into your heart and the wealth of life to your soul shall soon flow endlessly.

2.The simple joys are the greatest as it bring much peace and fulfillment, as they are simple. To be able to discern from simple to complicated ones need wisdom. If you see joy and fun in simple things than you have accomplish that even before you realized it. Be joyful each moment for it could be your last!!!

3. Whatever we do – great and small, be done with grace, kindness, after thought and feeling for others so that you feel good in the heart.

4. Don’t we all talk too much, work too much, bother too much, think of ourselves too much, think of others too much, bothered by some lousy people, bothered by things you cannot control and let them control your life, peace of mind??? Well, the solution is here – take care of yourself by detaching from all those and love the real you – YOU

5.The road to recovery lies in silence and the ability to select all the unnecessary thoughts, the useless comments into the recycle bin and remember to delete them permanently until tomorrow, then repeat the same each day at the end of the day…and happiness will find its space and gratitude to you own self will surface…e for you to bask into that glory of self satisfaction!!!

6.Doing what you want to do is great but doing what you don’t want to do for the sake of peace and quite and happiness is far greater

7.Have an idea, dream of that idea, talk about that idea which will then take roots into your subconciousness to consciousness and soon will turn into a passion, drive that passion and walk on straight ahead and having found the pace and the pathway nothing can fail you for success awaits as you are the one that created it!!!

8. Its amazing how one could filled the day with joy, love, peace and be busy with being alive and find each moment an opportunity to thank God for. So, it’s up to us to be happy and cheerful and also up to us to be sad, sorrowful and bow down with depression. Find that sunshine and smile.

9.Many a times it’s not fair to live a life away from reality. At times its is often healing to share, to cry and to let go of those that cause you pain — for only when you do that can healing come!

10.The beauty of true friendship is that you can say nothing at all and there’s no problem when you walk into their door and you can quietly open the fridge and they will say get me some too!!! – February 23 at 9:12pm

11.”One should not take too much for granted in life. If you love someone truly – you will not always expect him or her to tolerate you, be gracious, be kind, be understanding, play the mature role, forgive you. You have to earn it and you must do your bit by trying to be the better person they kept expecting you to be without saying so… ” Created – March 18 2010

12.I am overcome with sadness, with sadness and more sadness – and asked questions which I have no answer and I know those answers but then – I wish things are different and I wish I have been given that opportunity to give love and more love … to people who needed it….

13.Does the setting sun bring nostalgia and melancholy to you? Well, if it does then rejoice for you are somewhere where you are at peace. It is only when you have peace of mind and with your soul – then there is time for the use of that word ‘Nostalgia’ and remembering the old … with sweet bitterness

14. Life is a journey they say, we say and in life journey we got to get a breather once in a while like taking off from work FOR NO REASON sometimes. Try it! 26032010

15.Silence is golden the old saying goes and silence could be painful, deafening and but mostly if your dwell on silence once in a while it’s HEALING. Try to go in to sporadic mode of dwelling in realm of silence and feel the power of Silence! 27032010

16.The day has passed but once again – have I done something that would make me proud, or something that will leave a mark on someone’s life, I guess I did to make sure that peace reigns to the ire of maybe somebody but that’s not going to stop me as I move along the path before me. I stand firm with my belief. [342010]

17.It takes us moments or split seconds for one to get to lost their/our cool and those temporary moments of madness (I must say) could cause temporary damage to ones repute and relationships. However, once you are convince that you have the good intentions you should move along on your path ahead and moved on ignoring the barking’s which you might hear along that path you take and will continue to take!

18.It takes us moments or split seconds for one to get to lost their/our cool and those temporary moments of madness (I must say) could cause temporary damage to ones repute and relationships. However, once you are convince that you have the good intentions you should move along on your path ahead and moved on ignoring the barking’s which you might hear along that path you take and will continue to take!

19.Let us not at Easter continue to do as we did last Easter and merely say “The Christ is Risen” but that ” He is risen each day” and ” I shall rise with Him each day of my life”. For Easter in not just one Calendar day but a way of life for each day… Happy Easter today, tomorrow and each day!!!

20.When you come to love some one so dearly they are so ‘perfect’, beautiful and angelic; whereas the truth is you are seeing an ‘imperfect’ being so ‘PERFECT’ because you see them through the lens of love – that change imperfection to a state of pure ‘Perfection’! Don’t we need more Love around? Yes, I think so … 642010

21.The incessant talk and constant noises and laughter of friends are never disturbing unlike their ‘Silence’, which is disturbing and saddens the soul. But, the silence of an opportunist or fair weather friends brings quietness and the return of peace and relief for the soul! CT 742010

22.As the mist in the morning vanishes with the arrival of the warm sun. The arrival of someone somewhere somehow in your life brings a totally different state of being. The state of fulfillment, appreciation an iota of excitement and reason to look for yet another day is all yours!

23.The taken for granted act of opening your eyes in the morning even before you get up and out of bed is a Miracle. If that is so why are we not grateful for the wonderful gift of life. Take it easy take it slow and ‘Think’ and you will have all the reason to be happy and joyful.

24.” The swings of the mood are natural as the swing that children play. Do not try to stop it when you are at the other end for then it will shake and you might fall. Be patient and it will lose momentum and they settle down and you can coolly get off and walk off – Take it easy Take it wisely and without regrets you will live”

25.”There is niceness in recalling the past but dwelling therein could be a dangerous game as it can impede progress and also hamper the formation of dews of mild to moderate joy in your daily life!”

26. Waking up in the morning and having the day in your hand is a big responsibility; use it therefore wisely so that there is no chance for regrets later. There is no word ‘regret’ in the dictionary of those who think first and for long. 652010

27. “Giving and sharing is just but a natural act of human beings and not an extraordinary quality. It is but an expression of our inherent gift that extends an arm of assurance, care, protectiveness and some comfort to those that are needy of that helping arm around them. Let the power within you lead you in that path of healing and hope for all” 852010

28.” We are but like the seeds of fruit which after being eaten is spat out, fallen to the ground, step on, bear the heat, cold, rain and sunshine, cracked and against all odds germinate, set roots, grow, grow and become a tree that would one day bear fruits that will go through the same circle with only one difference – we grow a soul along the way. Be patient and all will come full circle” 952010

29. The long queues at the station, the long waits at the banks, the doctor’s chamber, the tiring wait at the stadium, at the conveyor belt, at the immigration, at the taxi stand, at the movie, at the, at the, at the… that annoys you and make you grumble is nothing when we look at ETERNITY that is coming our way. Let us make the most of the queue and make some new friends! 1052010

30.It is in hard times hard decisions are made and tough actions taken. A great leader is one who has vision, convictions and is unafraid of imagined consequences. He is one who is ready to sacrifice his soul for his subjects. It is but indecisions and more indecisions take breaks a man and bare him to the world his true self that is a weakling and an unfit head – Cnx 1852010

31.It is the weak in spirit that are cruel and thus true gentleness is possessed only by those that are truly strong. (Chiangmai 20.5.2010)

32. ” Do not look too deep in to the future and do not heighten your expectations for the future too much for the future comes just one day at a time. One day at a time it certainly is. If we live just for one day at a time, life will be better, less complicated and filled with gratitude – shall we be.”

33. When the night is past and darkness lifted another day begins; pry not into last night happenings for there is much out here in the light today. It is for you to write what you want in that chapter of your life book today. Fill it in with action, joy, beauty and extend the arms of friendship and smiles! CT Cnx 270510

34. Understanding that it’s always the just, the honest, the kind and compassionate ones that will rule the world – the geographical world maybe but certainly the world of the souls…!

35. Lets take it easy and not been too occupied with neither yesterday nor the tomorrow but enjoy each moment each day with leisure and calmness and feel that beauty through us.

36. (Vienna 23 July 2010): Time has come to move on and back to your own back yards and do the best you can to make things change for the better firstly – yourselves and then the world around you. If we all do that that we will achieve what we aim to achieve…

37. July 28 2010: “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he gifted himself to me, to us and believed in me to handle things on my own even when I was just eleven. He trusted me and here I am…I say a special one each day and much more this day….

38. 482010: As the weather changes so does mood changes from different height to another. The trick here is to fine a middle path, a balanced view of what’s happening and remembering laughter never always last nor does tears. This things pass!!

39: 2582010 Chiangmai:
…. In my own journey too I needed a shoulder that I can very well understand. The important thing is to confide and share with someone you can trust – though the hardest things is WHO can one trust. So if you find that in someone – take that opportunity and don’t let go… (C Thangsing)

40: So, living each day right…. and doing the right thing, making peace, and peace with others and ourselves is the best way to go… and spend each day. We may not be able to change others but we can try to change it by changing ourselves and trying to give the benefit of the doubt to others when we can. It may be hard but when we continue to try those things changes.

41: 260810:Yes, we die everyday in some way or the other at cellular level or at some level of your thoughts. If those death within in are the death of older ill feelings or immature thoughts you are sure you will awake the next day, each day better than before until the final transition takes place….

42: 30082010: Sad when that happens but the remedy of such is not to expect anything from anyone and to consider any good thing that if it come out of anything to accept it with gratitude. Expectations that others would feel and behave like you expected or you would do in today’s world certainly is naive. This thing will pass and better things are out waiting out there. Cheer up and leave those who made you feel that way as dirty rags which often they are …

43: Chiangmai, 12 Sep 2010:
‎”Choose your path by following your heart, to answer your calling. Do what you got to do and there will be no regrets. You do not have to please others and take some path you do not want to take. When you find that path you are on the right track to peace and happiness!”

” If you have GOD on your side always, all will go smoothly and anything that is handed down to you will be fair and you will have the grace to accept that and – that will be fair. Wrestle with GOD and He will give you the right answer and all outcome of whatever you do will be the right outcome”. Cnx 17092010

45. Bangkok:
The path to internal joy, bliss, happiness and contentment is in detached attachments to emotional or physical or material things. Be attached but in a detach manner and learning more on the fact of the impermanence of things. If you find this you find a good thing. CT

46.The road is endless if you let it be. But it’s in you to choose your own destination and truly do that for only then can you know you arrived. I am on my way and the roads wide, open and seems endless but there is my destination beyond the next horizon…

47.In the cold and dark night where chill and blankness is your companion a ring on your mobile could make all that go away and it’s warm, bright and joyful. Life can change by just a call. Remember to make sometimes just random calls to your old friends, lovers and someone you never know you will change someone’s life…. for the better. [New Delhi 12.12.2010]

48.Chiangmai [21.1.11] Every single one – every living being – must learn how to tame his/her mind. It is in the constant act of taming the mind each moment each day that can give you the completeness of the mind and the soul. Learn to tame your thoughts each action you take and the day will end for you with much more freedom from wants, regrets.

49. The ability and opportunity to be a support and a shoulder to cry on is big responsibility and we should remember such is not given to many

50. [5.2.11] Never look back, never be tempted, consciously turn your head towards the future where the grass is green, the main door open wide and there are untold treasures out there – Do not look back for you know what’s back there but nothing you have not seen, nuisance you have not face. Turn towards the future for that’s where you will receive your blessings…

51. [6.2.11] Take care and move on there are beautiful, wonderful ones along the path you will take. Leave the old ones out of sight and don’t turn back like Lot never turn back lest he too turn into a pillar of salt. Vacate you mind of the old one who do not deserve you. You deserve something better – move on and never turn back, forget and tear the memory of those that’s gone for they rob you of the pleasure of today and that of tomorrow.

52. [6.2.11] Try waking up early before everyone else and feel the wonderful moment of the day all to yourself. The quietness of your room, your house and those around you give you peace. You will have that feeling of arriving ahead of others as in a race and you sense the smell of achievement in your heart. Which is a terrific way to begin the day!!