Thursday, March 16, 2006

A chain of Interesting events!

I felt I must share this and I am sure all of us or many of us have had such similar experiences that made us resign to the fact '...what will happen will happen, irrespective of how careful or careless, how concern or unconcern you are...'

Well, the day looks good for a start as it always is the sun came out bright and sunny. The air crisp and clear though there was a blanket of fog hugging the ground. This is post Holi a day after the festival of colors was celebrated and the housekeeping staff having overdose of work as they had to clean and perform extra work to remove the color stains on the floor, ground and elsewhere. I look forward to going to work at the office and was driving down the unusually free highway to Delhi. I was pleased and was happily proceeding down the road when the mobile rang. I was smarter this time as I had the earpieces connected and just flicked the button to listen to the voice on the other end. It was a distant relative and he narrated a story of deal gone awary and needed my assistnace to solve the problem. I was happy to hear from this person for this was the first time ever that I heard his voice on the phone and maybe over 25 years since I last show him. Little did I know that this will trigger off a series of events which needed to be shared to you on this spot.

* As if answer to this person request I saw a hoard of distant persons descending upon me and that the event that followed was funny and simply unbelievable as I saw contorted and twisted egoistic, arrogant, loud and cheap interaction with them - that I have to gently asked them with a headache off my turf.
* I work on my laptop and then managed to delete old files which I actually wanted to save.
* The constant phone calls from patient outside Delhi had been difficult as the results of patients Viral Load, CD4 etc. reports came in 48 hours late.
* Drove for home and had pull in Sahara Mall to pay communication bills. Manage to pay the first set then --

* Airtel computer servers went under - went down; a staff created an innovative way to pull out the bills but was already too late for I was already running down the stairs (as the lift is too slow).
* Took the road and was caught in the middle of the road by the yellow light turing red.
* An unmanned area on normal days - I saw a traffic cop jump up to book me for being caught in the middle of a road with red light.

* Rushed for home taking a new road and manage to get home in in record time without actually speeding.
*Call for a cab on the way home (thank you mobile phone)
* The next half hour was a chain of well oiled, well choreograph performance that I should and could get a place in the Guiness book of some records for the accomplishments in getting ready and of course I had to thank Jane my niece who help me get into this home Guiness book of home records (if there is such a record).
* Took a cab for the aiport.
* Cab run out of gas on the way to the aiport.
* Manage to get to a gas station and got gas.
* The cab after five minutes down the road got a flat (puncture).
* The driver fixed the flat in record - 4 minutes.
* Reached Indira Gandhi International Airport in record time.

Well - an exciting, exhausting,extremely taxing day. I guess once in a while as the earth revovles around the sun and the sun revovles around bigger sun in the universe - someone, somewhere, sometime,somehow is sucked into this kind of revolution and enter into this kind of chains of multifaced happening. Is it due to the stars, the horoscope man would sure say yes. But, as for me - I guess itstelling me that I needed time to relax, time to reflex, time to meditate, time to let off steam, and time to smell the roses - whether I want it or not. It might also be as I guessed ...a sign from above to remind me saying ....'Hey, Son, take it easy, here I am- and - have some fun remembering me'....

March 17th 2006. Bangkok International Airport


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