Friday, May 19, 2006

At Bangalore Airport enroute Delhi

Professionals meet at a Dance: Uganda

May 19 2006 at 6:55 Pm and here I am at the Sahara Airlines Lounge in Bangalore, the Silicon City of India. I was with Kachina at the Consortium meeting at Snehadaan since yesterday. The weather was great and the evening rain made it a little chilly which was perfectly fine when I think of the heat of Delhi. Well, a long day where the participants brain stormed and worked on the response 'proposal' to USAID RFP for HIVAIDS intervention in India. The roads were bad and one one roll in disbelief seeing the condition of the roads and traffic in Bangalore and the pocked marked, concavities and rocks in the outskirts of Bangalore on our way to the Cammillians Center for HIVAIDS Care and support center.

Well, glad to be here and waiting now for the 8 pm flight to Delhi. As I sit down I remember the wonderful night in Kampala at the AHF African Bureau Meeting where the cultural troop swoop down to conquer the hearts of the people and of course shook the feet from many of the international participants including the deft and nimble Charles who gave the Ugandan Cultural Troop a run for their money.

Dr C Thangsing, Bangalore
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